In episode 140 of ASCE Plot Points, Dimitrois Athanasiou talks with guest...
In episode 139 of ASCE Plot Points, Brown outlines his journey from...
In episode 138 of ASCE Plot Points, Matin talks about how IIJA...
You never know how those engineering skills you develop in your career...
In episode 136 of ASCE Plot Points, Jennifer Sloan Ziegler talks about...
In episode 135 of the ASCE Plot Points podcast, Antoinette Quagliata talks...
In episode 134 of ASCE Plot Points, Brian Brenner breaks down his...
In episode 133 of the ASCE Plot Points podcast, Michel Bruneau discusses...
In episode 132 of ASCE Plot Points, Michel Bruneau discusses his new...
In episode 131 of ASCE Plot Points, Jason Korb talks about how...