Sustainability at ASCE
ASCE and its members are dedicated to ensuring a sustainable future in which human society has the capacity and opportunity to maintain and improve its quality of life indefinitely, without degrading the quantity, quality, or the availability of natural, economic, and social resources.
Attend the upcoming Standards Committee meetings
Sustainable Infrastructure Standards Committee | Standard 73-XX; In-person in Reston, VA with virtual option.
- May 19, 2023 | 1:00pm - 5:00pm ET
- May 20, 2023 | 8:00am - 12:00pm ET
Standards committee meetings are open for anyone to attend. Please contact James Neckel for more information.
The Committee on Sustainability develops Civil Engineering products
ASCE has long considered sustainability a strategic issue confronting practicing civil engineers. Its integration into professional practice is required to address changing environmental, social, and economic conditions ethically and responsibly. ASCE has outlined a roadmap to transform the profession.
As our world expands through innovation, technology, and in population, civil engineers have a renewed call to action.
An ASCE publication on the implementation of sustainability principles in the procurement process, including benefits of sustainable procurement, recommended procurement language, commentary and references for further study, and lists of available case studies.
ASCE Sustainability activities
Grading the condition and performance of American infrastructure. Moving toward sustainable infrastructure is key.
ASCE’s technical Institutes offer opportunities to delve deeper into sustainability in specialized civil engineering fields.
Mobilizing an engineering-led coalition to make resilience and sustainability a cornerstone of every decision in the infrastructure lifecycle.
ASCE is committed to the triple-bottom line of sustainability, including diversity, equity, and inclusion programs.
ASCE encourages global leaders to stand behind the reduction of carbon emissions ensuring for a more resilient and sustainable future through its Conference of Parties (COP) 26 statement.
Contact ASCE Sustainability staff

Sustainable development
ASCE civil engineering research supports key UN Sustainable Development Goals. Researchers and practicing civil engineers are actively seeking solutions to make our environment more resilient and sustainable for future generations.