September/October 2022

Civil Engineering magazine September/October 2022

Urban areas generate considerable greenhouse gases, so city leaders are turning to structural and other civil engineers to reduce their carbon footprints.
How engineers are helping cities seek zero emissions
The 1.6 billion gal. Trampas Canyon Dam and Reservoir is the newest and largest reclaimed water facility in California’s Orange County.
Abandoned California reservoir repurposed for recycled water
Comprising a spherical addition and substantial renovations to a 1930s streamlined modern icon, the Academy Museum of Motion Pictures has opened to the public.
In Los Angeles, innovative structures celebrate movie innovators
The revamped Javits Convention Center in New York City increased in size by more than 50%, making it the largest in the Northeast again.
Convention center expansion made possible by innovative engineering
Nature-based and hard infrastructure solutions work in tandem to protect and restore coastal communities in Louisiana and Florida.
Protecting shores in critical Gulf Coast regions demands creative solutions