Infrastructure Resilience Division (IRD)
The Infrastructure Resilience Division develops resources for improving the resilience of civil infrastructure and lifeline systems to all hazards.
The Infrastructure Resilience Division was established in 2014 to develop a unified approach to advancing the concepts of resilience within lifeline and infrastructure systems.
Prepared by the Risk and Resilience Measurement Committee of the Infrastructure Resilience Division of ASCE
Selected papers from the 2016 International Workshop on Resilience of Urban Tunnels, held in Reston, Virginia, September 1, 2016.
ASCE recognizes outstanding professionals for their achievements and contributions in infrastructure resilience.

Hazard-Resilient Infrastructure: Analysis and Design
Hazard-Resilient Infrastructure: Analysis and Design, MOP 144, provides guidance and an underlying framework for creating consistency across hazards, systems, and sectors in the design of new infrastructure systems. The book also discusses enhancing the resilience of existing systems and relates this framework to the economics associated with system lifecycle, including organizational and socioeconomic considerations.
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Instructor: Bilal M. Ayyub, Ph.D., P.E., Dist.M.ASCE
Instructors: Craig A. Davis, Ph.D., P.E., G.E., Ali Mostafavi, and Haizhing Wang, Ph.D.