ASCE International Groups
The purpose of ASCE Groups is to provide local engagement for ASCE members through meetings, guest speakers, networking, professional development, and technical content. Groups are encouraged to organize local events, seminars, and meetings.
To form a Group
Forming an ASCE International Group requires the steps below. ASCE Global Programs will work with you to meet the below requirements. Contact ASCE Global Programs when you’re ready to get started and we will provide documents and assistance to you.
- Petition
- Statement of Purpose
- At least 20 signatures of ASCE voting members* with their member numbers
- List of proposed officers
A voting member of ASCE is a member in good standing in the Affiliate, Associate, Member, Fellow, or Distinguished member grades. Students may participate in the Group but are not eligible to sign the petition or hold office as President, Vice President, Treasurer or Secretary.
Once the Group is formed, ASCE will provide the officers with the Region 10 Handbook that covers officer positions, responsibilities of the Group, and other helpful information.
ASCE International Sections
ASCE international Sections are formed when active Groups file a formal petition to become an ASCE International Section. Sections are formed at the country level, and functions of the Sections are regulated by Rules of Policy and Procedure, established by the ASCE Board of Direction.
ASCE Sections are intended to:
- Achieve closer personal acquaintance and a spirit of cooperation among engineers
- Provide educational activities both of a professional and/or a technical nature
- Study local engineering problems
- Encourage members to prepare or discuss papers involving technical areas
- Cooperate with local engineering societies in matters of common interest
- Foster Student activities and cooperate with local ASCE Student Chapters
- Assist in attaining the objectives of the Society and in providing service to the members
To form a Section
If your Group has been active for over a year and is ready to discuss Section formation, please contact ASCE Global Programs. The Group will need to file a formal petition with the ASCE Region 10 Board of Governors for approval.
The documents will include:
- Petition
- Statement of Purpose
- At least 20 signatures of ASCE voting members* with their member numbers
- List of proposed officers
A voting member of ASCE is a member in good standing in the Affiliate, Associate, Member, Fellow, or Distinguished member grades. Students may participate in the Group but are not eligible to sign the petition or hold office as President, Vice President, Treasurer or Secretary.
Once the Section is formed, ASCE will provide the officers with the Region 10 Guide that covers officer positions, responsibilities of the Section, and other helpful information.