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New & Notable EWRI Initiatives

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As a water community, we will focus on sharing our existing knowledge, combined with researching fresh ideas to maximize resources and develop best practices as we strive for a healthy and sustainable environment.
Visit EWRI Stormwater
EWRI's professional toolkit for resilient, sustainable, engineered solutions.
Lowhead Dam
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Public safety awareness and outreach regarding low head dams and dam safety.
Peer-to-Peer Standards Exchange Forum logo

Peer-to-Peer Standards Exchange Forum

Come join the discussion about ASCE Standards! The Peer-to-Peer Standards Exchange is a new ASCE Collaborate forum to discuss technical issues about ASCE standards. Dive into your technical area with questions and issues with your community. Members can ask and answer questions. Nonmembers will have view-only capability.

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Remote Sensing EWRI

EWRI Publications

EWRI produces a quarterly newsletter, monthly "e-Updates," and a host of additional publications to help members stay current with changes in the field and EWRI news.

Choose from our recently published publications, or visit the ASCE Library to access the vast array of EWRI publications.

UN Sustainable Development Goals and ASCE Publications
ASCE Publications

Sustainable development

ASCE civil engineering research supports key UN Sustainable Development Goals. Researchers and practicing civil engineers are actively seeking solutions to make our environment more resilient and sustainable for future generations.

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